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school bus
WCS Calendar

See the WCS calendar for the 2024-2025 school year!


students walk through a hallway
Have questions?

Go to our Resources page to find helpful information for both parents and students!


New Principal
Meet Our Principal

Some of you may recognize our new principal. Dr. Hall has been working with the Fairview schools for several years.

Learn more!

school supplies
School Supply Lists

What does your child need for the 2024-2025 school year?

See the lists

Upcoming Events

Quick Links

A yellow school bus

Read more about the app, Stopfinder. This app allows parents to have the most accurate information about their child's bus schedule. 

A stack of three books

The FMS library has many resources for our students. See what we have to offer!

student clicks on a computer mouse

Our preferred method of payment. Create an account, receive notifications, and pay fees from your handheld device or computer within minutes of registration!